Monday, April 1, 2013

Small touches for summer weddings and events

We specialize in special events.  And by "special",  I mean anyone can throw flowers in a vase, place them on linens and call it good.  We're the detail creaters, the intimacy makers, the "ohh, look at what they did!" people.  We've got the ideas, you get the credit. :)

Working on proposals for quite a few August weddings this week I've been dreaming up some ideas that are easy on the budget, strong on the compliments.

* At the ceremony site, whether its outdoors or in a non air conditioned church, ice water is always a great touch.  Most church staff are o.k. with it as well.  Big drink dispensers with spouts are available quite affordably at places like Sams Club, or check with a local restaurant that caters and see if you can rent a couple. 

Fill them with ice water, herbs and sliced fruit.  Some of my favorite combinations are cucumber and mint, or orange and lemon slices.  stack up some plastic cups on a table by the entrance with signs in a picture frame saying what the water is flavored with, and asking guests to help themselves.  Don't forget the cocktail napkins and a small waste basket for the cups.

*Fan programs.  Instead of just giving your guests paper programs, give them programs that are glued to popsicle sticks or bamboo skewers to make fans to cool themselves.  Tip-use thick card stock or multiple layers to keep the fan sturdy and not let the handle show through.  We make these and would be happy to do it for you, but don't be afraid to try it yourself!  A little "monkey see monkey do" from ETSY goes a long way.  :)

*A "stay cool" bar.  We created this for an outdoor wedding last summer and it was a hit.  Just line a banquet table with wicker baskets, and fill each basket with paper parasols, bug spray, sun tan lotion, sunglasses, blotting tissue, and spray bottles of water scented with herbs or essential oil.  You don't need enough for every single person attending the ceremony, just a handful of each (head to the Dollar Store, you'd be amazed at what you'll find).  I guarantee your guests will be going "ohhh!  So sweet!"

Have you seen any other ideas of the like at weddings?  Please share so we can pass them on!  All of this talk makes me want a margarita.  :)

Have a wonderful night and thanks for reading,


1 comment:

  1. Good one! This post is perfect for a summer wedding. I will save it because I know my sister is going to get married this year as she has already started looking for LA event venues. Also, I am secretly planning everything for her so that nobody panics at that time. Thanks for this share.
