Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The 411 on paper lanterns

Paper lanterns are, hands down, the most popular wedding and event decoration, for good reason. They're economical, beautiful, and the perfect way to add color and ambiance to your day..if you purchase and set them up correctly.

I've worked with quite a few couples that purchase the most inexpensive kind they can find just to be very disappointed in the light and quality. I'm here to help to help!

When you purchase paper lanterns, you're actually purchasing four elements.

The lantern
The frame
The light
The Batteries

The most inexpensive paper lanterns you'll find ANYWHERE* is at www.lunabazaar.com. Test me on that. (o.k.-mabye Craig's List or EBAY will have them beat, but that's about it).

You don't want to use paper lanterns if you're having your event where they can get wet or be exposed to high humidity (i.e. a covered pavilion outside). The reason being-paper lanterns are made out of rice paper which will literally melt and disintegrate, leaving the dye to shmear what ever the paper hits.

The solution-Nylon Lanterns. I try to use these all the time anyway, but particularly outside. You can throw water at them all day long and they're fine. The colors are brighter, and they won't tear or rip (so they can be used again).

The next part is the frame. Your lanterns will come flat and will need you to insert it. Be careful how you do this...the paper lanterns will tear very, very easily.

All that's left is the light and the batteries.

When purchasing the light packs, you're going to be very tempted to purchase this-
Or even these...

Because they come with the batteries, and they're relatively inexpensive. ($3.00-$5.00) a pack.

Read the fine print. Even the three bulb lights suggest "two or more packs for brighter light" (which really means noticeable light), and that's just the smaller lamps. If you want really BIG ones, they suggest four to six packs!

These are the lights that the One Girls use.They have sixteen lights in one pack. It says the burn time is eight hours...but I use Duracell batteries and they've been lit for days.

I get our packs from www.paperlanternstore.com

And our batteries?


That's right, buy 144 at a time. What can I say...? We go through a lot of batteries.

I hope this helps you in your wedding plans. And....I must mention....you can rent a nylon lantern and battery pack filled with fresh batteries from us in an array of colors for only $3.00
With all the math I laid out, you can see that's a really, really good deal. :)


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